Here is your cat fix for the day. It's a picture of our youngest cat, Striker, in the closet.
Isn't that nice?
And now, I will answer some of the more intriguing questions regarding this post:
1) Yes, when I said "youngest," I implied that we have more than one cat. In fact, we have two. Our oldest cat is named Daphne. But we don't have enough cats to have the "crazy cat lady" title.
2) We prefer Scott toilet paper and Sparkle brand paper towels.
3) Those are Christmas towels above Striker. They have to go somewhere the other 11 months of the year, don't they?
4) The stack of towels that Striker is laying on is what we call the "dog towels." In other words, we don't use them for ourselves, but for wiping off the dogs' paws when they come in and it's wet outside. So we weren't worried about Striker being on those towels.
5) Yes, we also have dogs. And you may have noticed the apostrophe is after the letter "s" in "dogs," implying that we have more than one dog. Yes, we have two dogs, Dash and Maggie. But we don't have enough dogs to have the "crazy dog lady" title.
6) Speaking of "crazy cat lady," while in Seattle two summers ago, we were in a store that had a "crazy cat lady" action figure. Here's a picture:
7) No, we didn't just go to Seattle to take pictures of bizarre toys. We were killing time before going on the Underground Tour.
8) Yes, I will have pictures of the other pets in future posts.
9) Thanks, and you have a great day, too. Good bye.
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